Seco Crossjet AC92-20 Side Discharge Tractor Mower (2WD)

The Seco Crossjet AC92-20 Side Discharge Tractor Mower (2WD)  is a high quality machine designed for mowing unkept lawns not accessible with a standard tractor. Ideal for maintaining road side ditches, high gorse and thistles near ponds, etc.

Seco Crossjet AC92-20 Side Discharge Tractor Mower (2WD)

The Crossjet AC92-20 is a high quality  tractor mower designed for mowing unkept lawns not accessible with a standard tractor. Popular with the rental market due to its robust structure and  features. It cuts through high grass, gorse and thistles the same as if you were using a handheld brushcutter. So we would classify this machine as a “Ride On Brushcutter”. Its low centre of gravity, along with its V-shaped tyres makes it ideal for slight inclines, allowing better stability and traction. Powered by a Briggs & Stratton 20hp twin cylinder engine, it comes with hydrostatic transmission which allows for easier control in obstructed areas.

The Seco Crossjet AC92-20 Side Discharge Tractor Mower (2WD) is equipped with a 92cm cutting deck. Designed to mulch grass or unmanaged terrain underneath the deck, discharging debris or cllippings out through the rear of the machine. Engaging the cutter deck couldn’t be easier with its electronic blade engagement feature; one simply has to pull the control switch for “On” and push it in for “Off”.  It has five preset cutting heights ranging from 50mm to 120mm which are selected by using the lever located conveniently at the side of the seat.

The Seco Crossjet AC92-20 Side Discharge Tractor Mower (2WD) has an adjustable high back seat with head rest that provides the driver with optimum comfort. Features a barrier roll bar, rear and front bumper that protects the plastic casing on the body of the tractor. Also equipped with halogen front lights for cutting in those long evenings.